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Told by his daughter Dora Scales and his son Murray Goudie 2015

Goudie Alex -Dora Scales and Murray Goud

Dora Scales and Murray Goudie, 2015

 00.00   Introduction and war injuries by Judy Farmer

 01.30   Early life & family; farm at Yannathan

 06.50   War service,

 13.10   Return, soldier settlement block near farm

 29.20   Move to Drouin, family life in Drouin

 34.30   Real estate agent

 37.30   Conservation

 44.00   Councillor

 44.40  Country children

 45.55  Mrs Goudie’s role; Alex Stands for parliament

 47.43  Alex the father

 50.20  Ill health and death

            Social life and people in Drouin

Goudie, Ken, Jessie, Murray, Lex, Dora,

Ken, Jessie, Murray, Lex, Dora and Alex Goudie

Goudie Alex 1945.jpg

Alex Goudie

Goudie Buln buln shire council meeting.j

Buln Buln Shire office and courthouse

1944 collection

Courtesy of Drouin History Group

Alex goudie and son Murray from 1944 col

Alex Goudie peeling potatoes with son Murray

1944 Collection

Courtesy Drouin History Group

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