Told by Peter Cusden 2017
Peter with his older brother and his mother 1941
Peter Cusden, 2017
Mrs Cusden
Track 1: Introduction by Rosemary Blackley
Track 2: Peter Cusden
00.00 Fred and Alice migrate, meet, marry, go to Bravington.
00.48 Fred enlists, is taken prisoner.
01.20 Life in Bravington during the war.
16.40 Fred arrives home.
23.45 Purchase of Northern Junction Hotel, Drouin West. History of the hotel.
29.20 Working the acreage – Alice as a water diviner; evidence of past hare coursing.
31.30 Shop opens. Grocery business – tobacco licence, lunches, icecream, pepper, biscuits, honey, cooked meat.
48.20 Post office.
49.20 Drouin West State School – teachers.
55.20 Expansion to catering.
1.02.50 Sports and entertainment at Drouin West.
Drouin West Northern Junction hotel
Left: Gaven Arden and Peter at Drouin West 1949
Above left: Fred, Alice and driver in horse and jinker
Above right: Peter with A70 car