Told by Lorna Parke, and Jack and Keith Pretty 2017

Keith Pretty, Lorna Parke & Jack Pretty 2001

The Pretty Family 1970
00.10 Background, family, Jindi Store
05.50 ‘Jindi Bus’ (pre-war uses of store truck)
10.00 Switch on of electricity, 1939 bushfires
11.00 Education, work at store, continued education
11.50 Jindivick during wartime, stock, rationing
20.00 Joined Buln Buln Shire as a Junior Clerk
21.50 Met and married Pam, moved to Drouin
23.57 Became Shire Secretary
26.50 Retirement – developed further community interests
29.51 Family background, arrival in Jindivick
31.47 General Store, Post Office, telephone exchange
34.12 Post office and exchange shift to new building.
36.05 Lorna became postmistress
36.54 Sports teams
38.21 War years
40.31 Celebrating the switch on of electricity
42.12 Accident with petrol threatened store
43.25 Search for lost plane Southern Cloud
44.15 Intro and story of Flower Show
48.30 Purchase of store
49.28 Stock – medications, groceries, tobacco and cigarettes, hardware, feed.
56.35 Weights and measures
57.17 Delivery methods – rail, road, Petrol, kerosene
58.39 Electricity. Alternative fuels during war years
1.00.34 Phone services
1.03.18 1939 bushfires, cattle feed

Pretty family residence and store at Jindivick

Pretty family general store Jindivick